Thulsa Doom - Ambition Freedom
26,99 €
Lim. Black Vinyl
Endless, Unless
Man With Ambition
Die Like An Aviator
Easy, Lord
All The Other Records
Crucifixion Nails
Parade Of The Obese
Locked In On A Behaviour
Their roots are firmly planted in heavy rock, melodic aggression and despair. They have conquered the stoner rock kids and breathed fiery life into the classic rock snobs.
Now Thulsa Doom’s branches are growing with twigs of Kiss and Crimson; strong wooden arms hold Skynyrd, Ween and Bob Dylan, and progressive leaves of soulful, poignant, intricate gems cover the ground. And there are nuts, lots of nuts.
Images/Text are owned by Stickman Records and are used with friendly permission."